The Story of Pro-Choc™

Jean-Pierre is the original creator of Pro-Choc™ software.

Son of a chocolate pastry chef based in Lyon, Jean-Pierre RICHARD is suffering from the "bugs" of chocolate from his earliest childhood.The classic apprenticeship of pastry and chocolate continues a tour of France of the best houses, which allows him to refine his knowledge and know-how.

On his return, his father entrusts him since 1963 the conduct of the laboratory of the family business. Between 1970 and 1980, the opportunity to learn the trade of chocolatier and confectioner industrial leads him to the school ZDS Solingen where he really learns what the technology of the material. The people he met then knew how to make him love the technology and the "science" of chocolate and sugar.

In 1982 undertakes the adventure of building a factory of 1800 m2. Jean-Pierre immediately focuses on the invention of materials, techniques, processes and their implementation, for the realization of the technical and technological concept of the products of the shops "Richart".

These products, of artisanal quality, are manufactured online, without manual intervention or almost, rationally, in a fast and neat way.Jean-Pierre is the technical manager of this chocolate and confectionery SME of about fifty people, until 1994. At that date, he separated from this company to open the office of Richard Conseil. In the meantime, he has passed the prestigious M.O.F. chocolatiers, confectioners in 1990, where he then chaired the class and the jury for 18 years.

Since the creation of Richard Conseil, he brings his know-how, artisanal, or industrial to the business sector of chocolate and confectionery, through technical assistance, training, and continuously developing Pro-Choc, its product optimization software.


  • Best worker of France chocolatier 1990
  • Class President of MOFs, chocolatiers, confectioners, from 1995 to 2013
  • First founding president of the French Academy chocolate and confectionery
  • Knight in the World Order of the Academy Culinary de France
  • Member of the World Order of Gastronomy
  • Creator of technical, technological concept
  • Gold Medal at the Gastronomy Fair in Stuttgart
  • 7 times awarded at the Blue Ribbon Contest (Paris)
  • Professor of theoretical and practical technology chocolate confectionery.

Jean-Pierre Richard